viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Texto sobre la importancia de la música para los bebes traducido a Inglés en diferentes traductores*

Texto en Español

Oir música podría ayudar a los niños prematuros a reducir el dolor y favorecer su alimentación oral, según un estudio de la Universidad de Alberta en Canadá que se publica en la revista Archives of Disease in Childhood . Según los expertos, los beneficios calman a niños y padres, estabilizan el estado del recién nacido, aumentan la saturación de oxígeno, aceleran el aumento de peso y acortan la estancia hospitalaria. Los investigadores revisaron nueve ensayos anteriores publicados entre 1989 y 2006 para comprobar la eficacia y validez de utilizar la música en este sentido. Los resultados de los que se informaban más a menudo en los ensayos eran medidas fisiológicas como la tasa cardiaca, la tasa respiratoria, la saturación de oxígeno y el dolor.

Traducido a inglés en:

Traductor EL MUNDO.ES

Musical Oir might help the premature children to reduce the pain and to favor his(her,your) oral nourishment, according to a study of Alberta's University in Canada that is published in the magazine File of Disease in Childhood. According to the experts, the benefits calm children and parents, stabilize the condition(state) of the newborn child, increase the saturation of oxygen, accelerate the increase of weight and shorten the hospitable stay. The investigators(researchers) checked nine previous tests(essays) published between(among) 1989 and 2006 to verify the efficiency and validity of using the music in this respect. The results about which they were informed more often in the tests(essays) were physiological measures as the cardiac rate, the respiratory rate, the saturation of oxygen and the pain.

Traductor de Google

Listen to music could help premature babies to reduce pain and promote their oral intake, according to a study by the University of Alberta in Canada as published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. According to experts, the benefits to children and parents calm, stabilize the condition of the newborn, increased oxygen saturation, faster weight gain and shorten hospital stay. Researchers reviewed nine previous trials published between 1989 and 2006 to verify the effectiveness and validity of using music in this regard. The results of which are reported more frequently in the trials were physiological measures such as heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and pain.

Traductor YAHOO!

To hear music could help the premature children to reduce the pain and to favor its oral feeding, according to a study of the University of Alberta in Canada that is published in the magazine You file of Disease in Childhood. According to the experts, the benefits calm children and parents, stabilize the state of new born, increase the saturation of oxygen, accelerate the increase of weight and shorten the hospital stay. The investigators reviewed nine previous tests published between 1989 and 2006 to verify the effectiveness and validity to use music in this sense. The results into which they more often inquired in the tests were measured physiological like the cardiac rate, the respiratory rate, the oxygen saturation and the pain.

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Uno de los mejores para mi es el Traductor ELMUNDO.ES